Resilience is not denying hardships exist.
Resilience is in prevailing despite them.
Resilience is using the hardships that life or people throw at you and making beautiful experiences despite them.
Resilience is growing and maneuvering around the circumstances (and despite them) using the strengths inside to help that resilience muscle grow!
Do your challenges define you or mold you?
“Resilience is not the absence of difficulty. Resilience is not denying or ignoring difficulty. Resilience is the ability to transform from difficulty. It is the ability to meet challenges head on and transcend difficulty and flourish beyond it.” ~CEA
Center for Authentic Resilient Empowerment
#savor #joy #gratitude #grateful #hope #persevere #soar #climbeverymountain #empower #empowerment #courage #perspective #focusonthegood #flourish